A Place Where Dreams Come True
Bishop S.F. Pleasant Sr.
Bishop S.F. Pleasant Sr.
I want to thank you for taking time out to visit me, and the dear members of the UNITED NEW LIFE CHURCH OF CHRIST.
“A Place Where Dreams Come True”
It is my prayer that through this website something will be said in a song or a message that will increase your faith in God. As we prepare for the return of His second coming. AMEN.
Sunday—11:00am & Every Sunday 6:30pm
Wednesday—Bible Study 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Friday–-Saints Repair Night 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Greeting, I am Bishop S. F. Pleasant Sr. and my wife is Prophetess Nicole Pleasant. Throughout my 45 years of pastoring and ministering, it’s been my pleasure in seeing how God has blessed this ministry.
As a young man, I was brought up in a Holiness church from a child. As I grew older, my relationship wasn’t with the Lord Jesus Christ, but with church as many people are today. Also, not realizing I was born into a kingdom of darkness which is control by Satan and his Demons. So, I strayed further away from God’s love and His divine protection. Now, I was completely loss and being involved with people and things which meant me no good. This only devastated me and confused me more and more. The problem was everybody else around me was feeling and going through the same things. Finally, I began to cry out to God for answers and seek His face. “Guess what my friend; God was there all the time.”
God delivered and save me from all my troubles and now my life mission is to reach out with the Gospel message.
Jesus still saves and God’s grace is amazing.
I believe a person can receive a new life, and a fresh start. You can also have a deeper, richer, and fuller life when you accept the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. This is through his shed blood on the cross that we have forgiveness of our sins.
John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” NKJV
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